RPA BOT as a Service

RPA BOT as a Service

Robotic Process Automation not only helps enterprise clients automate their repetitive mundane tasks, but also helps acquiring or distributing data amongst a variety of applications hospitals use without manual intervention or errors; and helps Hospitals build integrated applications. Healthomation presents itself as your technology partner, with its unique amalgamation of domain expertise and technical prowess.

Robotic Process Automation is another emerging technology that automates the hitherto human handled mundane tasks. This technology deploys Bot (Electronic virtual robot) to do mundane, repeatedly executed tasks. For example, if there are multiple data sources available and one need to constantly look for updates and collate them as and when they are available, it’s quite an exhaustive and boring task for any human to execute. But if a Bot is deployed for the task, it constantly scouts for the data with same agility for hours together and keeps collating the real time data.

Healthomation uses a Bot farm in its underlying architecture to grab data from disparate destinations and is monitored and controlled by dedicated Bot control centers and Notification centers. These Bots grab data from thin, thick and web app clients and feed our staging database for further processing by the respective procedure bank.

Our product NellikkAI™ is powered by several Bots that scramble data from across the world and produce a unified image for many Billing companies and hospitals.

Our expert team of professionals are capable of creating such Bots for any of your data retrieval or loader requirements, to execute any mundane task that requires any number of iterations to ensure sanitized, error-free data is presented.

Consult our team of experienced Bot experts who have deployed hundreds of Bots and are acclaimed in the Bot industry!


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